Thank you! - Quiet as an early morning #1

I'm so grateful that you are here - let's dive in.

There is something about the quality of a day just starting.

The quiet, the light and the sea of endless possibilities. Perfect example: a winter morning. Thick snowflakes are falling slowly from the sky, covering the earth and muffling all sounds.

road covered by snow near vehicle traveling at daytime

I just love this feeling.

Since the pandemic locked us down at home I have started to implement this feeling throughout the day into all activities.

I am done with stress and being busy. And I’m glad to discover that more and more people desire to go slow and quiet.

My weekly newsletter seeks to be an inspiration for you to join the movement.

This is what you can expect to read about:

  • Ideas for quiet & slow living

  • My journey with this life style

  • How to work and create efficiently

  • The odd book or movie recommendation

I’m grateful for you reading and exploring other ways to live life. I’m excited to see what we can discover together.

🖊️ This week I wrote about

🕯️Inspiration to go slow

The Monterey Bay Aquarium has set up live cameras so you can watch the fish and sea life up close in your living room.

Watching the kelp garden sway gently is the most soothing thing I have come across.

📖 Currently reading

These days I wish I had more reading time as I’m immersing myself into Erin Morgenstern’s “The Starless Sea”.

It’s a beautiful story about love, and books. There is a mysterious library, and you get to read several books as Zachary Ezra Rawlins tries to solve the mystery he find’s himself in.


“A girl lost in the woods is a different sort of creature than a girl who walks purposefully through the trees even though she does not know her way.”

Have a beautiful week, my friend! Please hit reply and let me know what creations you are working on, and what you have discovered by being more quiet and living slower.