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- One week is all you need to achieve any goal
One week is all you need to achieve any goal
Happy New Year!

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash
If you set New Year's resolutions, you might have broken them already. Don't despair, if you have we will get you back on track.
If you have no resolutions or no goals for this year, there is still time to do this now.
I'm rubbish at goals - meaning I suck at achieving them. It's easy to set a goal, make an action plan and then never take any action. If this is you, and you are like me, then I will show you the approach I (hopefully) will take this year to finally get where I want to be.
We all have dreams we want to accomplish.
Write a book, make a million, buy that house. Whatever it is for you, know that everything is within your reach.
This is what I love about the Law of Attraction - it promises you that you can have it all. You can ask for anything, and it will come. All you have to do (and that is the tricky part) is be in alignment with what you want.
But I digress. Big goals.
If you are not sure what they are for this year, start with a 10 year vision. Where are you in 2033? Sit down and write it out. Everything. Even or especially the things where you mind says "This will never happen". The dreams that make you all giddy, but also embarrassed. The one thing you want so badly that it freaks you out and you would never in a million years mention it to anyone.
Got it?
From there make a choice to find the ones you will work on this year. What do you want to achieve by the end of 2023? Or at least have made som progress towards?
At this point still forget everything you have ever learned about SMART goals. These are BIG goals, they don't need to be smart.
And if you have trained yourself to think very rationally and forgotten what a dream looks like - here is one of mine: I would not mind writing a movie script that is so awesome and beautiful they hand me an Acadamy Award for it.
There - big hairy dream and far away from being a smart goal.
Now that you know where to go, it's time to take action on this.
Look at your big goals for 2023 and break them down into quarterly, monthly and weekly goals. These smaller goals are you actionsteps to achieve the big one.
Let's say you have a certain yearly income in mind. Break it down into smaller numbers, and smaller still. Bear in mind this might not be linear. Instead of aiming for the same amount every month, start with a smaller than average income and allow for it to grow towards the end of the year.
This way you give yourself a chance to succeed early on, instead fo feeling discouraged because you can't reach that number. (And I'll get back to the feelings in a minute).
Now here is the one thing I believe will make all the difference: Break the weekly goal down into 3 daily actionsteps.
Make sure the steps are small enough that you can accomplish them every day. Let's say you want to lose weight. Your daily actions might look like:
Walk 10,000 steps
Eat x amount of fruit and veggies
Eat slowly and mindfully
State your actions as something posivite you can do. No one enjoys to be burdened with things we are not allowed (Don't eat sugar, don't sit on the sofa all day). Set yourself up for success with positive small actions.
Then do this relentlessly just for one week.
Don't assume you need to do this the whole year. One week, that's all for now. This is your one-week-experiment. When the week is done, measure your progress.
Did you lose weight? Did you make more money? Did you gain more traction on social media?
But also: Was it easy to keep it up? Did you have fun with these action? How did you feel during the week?
If you struggled, tweak it. If you hated it, find some other habits that will be more fun. If it did not yield any results, rethink your strategy.
You can get an accountability buddy that checks in with you daily.
And you can ask a higher power to assist you. It's what addicts do in recovery, and it works. You can pray to a certain deity of your choice, or just the universe or whatever floats your boat. The important part is to BELIEVE that someone or something out there has your back.
In the morning ask for assistance and support to get through your daily actions. In the evening spend a moment and be grateful that you were able to do it.
You can also spend 10 minutes to meditate on your desired outcome. See it, and feel how you will feel when you reach that milestone. Then hold on to that feeling throughout the day.
In the beginning of this email I mentioned that you can have everything you desire. All you have to do is being ready to receive it. And that comes down to your feelings.
What you want has a specific vibration. That's what you feel and how you feel when you think about that outcome. So every time you feel exactly like that you are in receiving mode and set yourself up for success.
The more you practice being in that particular feeling, the more you will expect it to come to fruition. In the end you have eliminated all doubt. You KNOW this is heading your way. You know you will have this.
The more you stay in touch with your feelings, the more you will know the best action steps to take. Listen to your gut. When you get a weird idea, act on it. The universe works in mysterious ways, and we often have no clue how things are connected and why doing A will lead to B. Trust your knowing.
And before you know it, you have reached some milestones, ready to celebrate.
PS: What's a weeklong experiment you are ready to try? Hit reply and let me know.
Not sure what your goals are for this year? Book a 15 minute free session and we'll look at it together!